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A member registered Apr 14, 2020

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Here is a permanent one I generated!

Don't worry about the late updates, mate! Quality comes from time and a healthy mental state, and with the world going a bit to hell, taking time to ensure that healthy mental state is more important now than ever! 

Also, good job with giving actual reasons for the sexual stuff to happen, I forgot to say much on it before, but there being a lore-based cause of the harem makes it sit so much better.

I don't think the discord link is working! Do you have an updated one?

Just make sure to tell us here when you do!

I tend not to write reviews, but I feel this is warranted! So, there are a few important aspects of this game I want to bring up, for those who are curious about whether they want to play this or not!

1. The Story - The story for this game starts off with a more standard story of modern fantasy, of a realm with Elves, Goblins, Dwarves, Demons, and Humans. It begins with a tale of humans going to war with the races they just learned of (all the others), but quickly falling on the battlefield, of losing a large portion of their population, and of being enslaved for 30 years (until 2050). You live in 2050, as one of the first humans to ever attend a magical school as a freed person, and it continues from there.
But, with this in mind, the story quickly develops beyond this premise, into something detailed, unique, gripping, and beautiful. Each character has motive, personality, a history and a future, and every line of dialogue serves to build this further. No character overstays their welcome, and each has a personality that is well defined, and kept to truthfully. Each event has purpose and meaning, and it is on the player to figure that out through their own choices. 
In short, for a sexually focused game, the story is beyond what I see from many professional developers. If I was to be honest, if one removed the sexual themes, and spent a bit longer polishing it, this would make for an amazingly successful visual novel. The story is that good.

2. The Sexual Themes - The sexual side of this story is inevitably why you are here, and there is where it gets unique. This game isn't focused on the sex as much, but instead incorporates it naturally into the story and your character, through forces I won't spoil!
Every character has at least 1 scene, with a few having more, and more on their way. Not only that, but each scene feels unique, blending the personalities of each character with the forces mentioned above, to make it worth going back and seeing each and every one.
With that said, this game isn't about the sex, but includes it in a way that makes it welcome. This is no "Harem Collector", and if you want that, turn away now. This game sees the sex as a story-telling element, and a reward for the player as much as a driver of the plot. If you look at it as such, it is incorporated extremely well, never being too much or too little, and never feeling forced.

3. The Emotion - To tie all of the above together, this game has an amazing sense of humor. Of course, nothing is perfect, after all, like anime, "we all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo." But on many occasions, this game was the first in many (including professional games) to make me laugh out loud. The 'narrator' is hilarious, the characters have amazing dialogue, and even events in the game, including sexual ones, find time to make you laugh.
Furthermore, on many an occasion, this game finds time to make you laugh, cry, shout, and weep. The developer knows how to write an emotional story, filled with characters you will care about, and events that bring them all to their limits, even those not directly part of the story.

All in all, this is an amazing game. Not just a 'sex game', nor a 3 hour "baby's first project", this is a game built with heart and passion, and I firmly believe that it would do amazingly in mainstream media if not for sexual themes. But, honestly, with how these themes are presented, and the funny "this is a Ren'py game" aesthetic, losing that would be a great loss for us all. So, even though this game is not something you'll see Top Selling on Steam, it is 100% worth playing, and is something I check back daily to see if an update is out. For all my time playing these games on, I would call this my favorite, even beating the popular "Harem Hotel" and "Lucky's Paradox" (my number 2 and 3 favorites respectively).

Also, for those wondering, the music is amazing, and I need a list to download it all PLEASE.