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A member registered Sep 28, 2017

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chaozz, my ip is banned, there is something you can do, I tried several times and I can not ..

the problem is the IP

chaozz, my ip is banned is there anything you can do, I tried several times

(1 edit)

was ban on ip so I strongly agree that affected this new account

the email from this account is too old, could take the ban from another more recent nickname account: Ocular

I'm still banned chaozz

but I've never used a hacker

if I am not mistaken I was banned even because I had invaded the residence of another player with an old friend of mine, and in that my friend decided to break things of him, anyway it was this

I never used it .. I do not know how to use lol.

chaozz, could remove my ban, I believe that the ip is banned, once I ended up being banned but I do not understand why, and now I'm coming back to play .. could I do that ?. thank you !