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A member registered Jun 08, 2018

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I'm 99% sure that this problem just comes from the fact that I have to run the game on Wine, however when I'm designing clothes, the only patterns I see are whatever the first client I clicked on requested.

For example,  I clicked on this client's request, and now all the other request I click on won't have any patterns.

Like this, which if I go back to the main menu and then open the client list again, I can actually see what they want.

Similarly, if I clicked on Ginny's request first and then Melissa's, the top of her dress would have a gray checkered pattern as well.

Again, this is most likely because I have to run the game on Wine, however I was wondering if you had any ideas as to what might specifically be causing this?

I don't know if this is the correct thread to point this out, especially since I doubt it's a problem that applies to anyone not running it with Wine,  however I don't know what the proper thread would be.

Sorry for the bother!