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Dylan Siegler

A member registered Jan 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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Believe it or not, in earlier drafts of the game, it was way less clear what you were supposed to do (in terms of finishing HumanBot's story first and then the other characters'), so implemented some changes to hopefully make it a bit more clear what the player is supposed to do without beating them over the head with it. I guess it worked, since you eventually figured it out, but in hindsight, it probably could have been made even more clear.

And yes, the Wrong End was intentional.

Play the game for free here.

alone. is a visual novel that tells the story of Derek, a socially awkward college sophomore who decides to take it upon himself to go out of his way to make friends for the first time in his life. In this brutally honest social anxiety simulator, you will make decisions on who Derek should interact with as he attempts to befriend as many people as possible before the end of the semester, while trying to avoid the anxious and depressive thoughts that regularly plague his mind. Average playtime is 3-4 hours.

This game may not be healthy to play for people suffering from depression, anxiety or related mental illnesses.