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A member registered Feb 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thats unfortunate to hear. Was really hoping i could finally use this software. Other than the lighting issiue (and maybe the scaling), it works great and id really like to use it to build my game.

  • Currently im using version 4.21.2. The problem has been present since i first bought this software back at the start of 2018. Since then the versions of UE4 changed but the problem persisted. 
  • I tried it in FBX and OBJ with  merged blocks since the individual pieces aren't easy to assemble in UE4.
  • Honestly it doesn't seem to matter how i export it and import it, the same results appear so:
  1. Make model (in my case, a castle)
  2. export as OBJ or FBX with textures (or without) and with merging
  3. import into Unreal engine with textures (or without)
  4. Place object and build lighting 
  5. Especially observe areas where blocks would overlap and areas that would be in shadow. 

Sorry that i cant give more detailed steps. I haven't figured out what causes it exactly since i cant get it to work right no matter how i do it so i cant find what might be the root of the issue. If you have specific questions or things that you would like me to test, just say so and i can try it out.

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When importing models into Unreal Engine and building the lighting with it, the entire thing flickers and flashes. Lighting on it is completly broken with some surfaces being completely different colors than it should be and others being completely unlit/Black. This appears to be the same issue that was present in the old 1.3 Version. I don't know why this happens but it doesn't seem to matter how i export it or import it, it still happens.

Was waiting for a long time for 2.0 in hope that this gets fixed. Hopefully it does get fixed.

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So i am working on a low poly style game for which i need a castle. Making it in asset forge was a breeze but no matter how i export it OR import it, it seems to break every a different way...... Ive attatched some pictures to explain this a bit more.

So here are 3 different models. All from asset forge. All made on the same day in the same hour(ish). All 3 were exported and imported with the same settings minutes from each other. Yet as you can see, each model has a different error on the UVs. The house has a 100% black side. the other 3 are fine. The middle wall has....that. Its meant to be a solid color wall. The wall on the right is perfectly lit....By that i mean it has no shadows whatsoever. 

I've tried multiple export and import settings and messed around with light map resolutions but nothing worked. Anyone pleas help? Google just told me to generate UVs and increase the light map resolution....

PS.: No. All of the above issues are not from the angle of the light. These artifacts show up REGARDLESS of lighting.

Edit: Different artifacts show up every time i import the asset. Even if i re-export from asset forge, i get the same thing in a different way.
