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A member registered Oct 28, 2021

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Really enjoyable game, have added to my wishlist on Steam! A few thoughts below:

- Have you thought about having the option for the player to gain more health back for performing headshot kills, slide kills, kills through glass, kick kills etc.? Could be something like gain 15 health back instead of the standard 10?

- Really like the slide mechanic, I wondered if it would be worth adjusting so when you hold slide and a direction, the player would slide in that direction? For example, if I pressed Ctrl + S the player would slide backwards a couple of steps?

 (I think you’ve said you’re working on the UI currently so you might have incorporated these already)

- Could do with a Settings menu on the Main menu (so not having to load into a game to tweak settings)

- When moving the cursor over the menu option, might be worth having it highlight which option you’re about to select

- For adjusting FOV & Sensitivity, might be worth having an option to type in values rather than the slider being the only option

- When picking Buff / Debuff at the end, might look good if the buff was in green font and debuff was in red

Only other thing I noticed was a bug that would occasionally crop up on level 3. Sometimes the “door unlocked” sound effect wouldn’t occur. I’ve tried recreating the issue a few times (but that requires me to not die before Level 3 which I’m not great at!), I think on both occasions it’s cropped up I was using the Shotgun.

Keep up the solid work!