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DGPS Arts & Crafts

A member registered Sep 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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use the functions of Mouse in GML, have you Discord? I wanna message you

The game is good!


Add WASD buttons to movement, mouse for shoot/jump, and add gamepad functions.

Windows detected the game as a Ransomware...

You have the project? If you allow me, I can mod for a Spanish translation, sure that latin American community will enjoy the game!!

Excellent game!! Graphics, music, playability!! Excellent Job!!

One suggestion: More languages, for example, spanish. If you want a help to translate the game, count on me without problem!!

A "shitty" game in all literal senses.

I enjoyed that!

Maybe i make some gameplays in YT!

Great game! Great demo! I can't wait for the final release!!

Excellent game!! It's a simple purpose, but is very addictive!!

The game is so good and frantic!

The suggestion that i recommend is putting joystick support :)

Ok, i will dowwnloaded again. BTW, i supported your project with money, is very funny and i appreciate your effort :)

Excellent game, good programmed, in the Mario Kart style! Good controls, simple but pretty graphic style, and very funny!!

One thing: Can you implement a command for quit the game? The game is very good!!

El juego está entretenido. Lo único que recomendaría es que el mismo, al ser de este tipo y orientado a dispositivos móviles, que sea de scroll vertical, quitando eso, lo demás está bien.

Muy buen juego y adictivo :)

Simple, pero divertido!!

Excelente juego!! Es el espíritu del clásico Missile Command en todo su esplendor!!

Hasta me dan ganas de enchufar mi Atari 2600 y echarme unas partidas :)

I have the GB Studio version 1. One question: could you translate the manuals to spanish?

Excelente, un concepto sencillo, y divertido!! Ya lo voy a recomendar!!!

The game is very good, and very funny. Only a thing: In the next demo, try to put in more languages, spanish for example :)

If you want a translater to spanish, i will offer myself!

Excellent game!! Very addictive, and very funny!!

The greatest things come in little pack!!

Great aesthetics! Great gameplay!!

El juego está bien, aunque su concepto me parece metido de una manera algo confusa.