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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Unsure if DAIN requires it, but you may need to install cuDNN in order for CUDA to be detected (I did to be able to use a different ML app):

Thanks for checking it out!

We definitely needed another pass on the font and UI, but really glad you enjoyed the mechanics!

Wow, this is really good!

I was unable finish it, I just couldn't work out exactly what to do in the room with the spike cubes and the jelly fish. I was trying to wall climb between them, but the spike hitboxes seemed to overlap the wall slightly, making it really hard.

The jelly fish climb before that was super fun, if frustrating to fall a few times!

I think you definitely nailed not having powerups too, the level design introduced the mechanics and the ways they could be used together in a way that made it feel like you were getting powerups, even though you had all the tools at the beginning, great work! 

Glad you had fun with it! It's definitely got a few rough edges, but really happy you can see potential with the idea

Thanks for the feedback!

The "Metroidvania" mode we have does require you to pick up the different effectors, only starting you off with the Impulse one.

Completely agreed though, we needed to pace the game differently to ease the player into the different options with smaller levels!

Wow, absolutely amazing! The central mechanic was great, and I love the Metroidvania exploration.

Would love to see it developed into something longer with more weapons etc! The final boss took me a few tries!

I really enjoyed this! It was a fun mystery, though there was a minor bug with two dialog options giving the same response from Pierce.

Really enjoyed it, definitely something here with a little more polish to the aiming/enemies.

Would love to see more, it all ended so soon!

I wish I could rate the graphics more than 5 star!