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A member registered Aug 24, 2020

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that's fine. I figured as much, but wanted to ask just in case, both for myself and others.

very much enjoyed the first one and having fun with the second so far too. looking forward to more, though I'm curious if the coins have a use yet? I saw the bulletin board note with the vending machine mentioning buying stuff. Given I can't seem to interact with the machine, I'd assume the answer is "not yet" but I figured I'd ask just to be sure.

ok then, good to know. well that basically IS my comment about being willing to delete and re download each new update, just without the download. good to know the deletion inst random after all. Thanks for clearing this up. 

(1 edit)

Same problem as Zyikes from about a month ago. just lost all progress. cant even figure out what triggered it for sure either. if there was maybe a why to download it for people who didn't what to play in browser?  because like lotsofflag427, trying to use the SWF files isn't working for me. I'd actually be perfectly fine playing a downloaded version even it it meant deleting it and re downloading the new version at every update. just to avoid this kind of thing from happening. Admittedly this has never happened when i play over on newgrounds, but my internet security set up seems to hate that site and often blocks me out of it so i cant even reliably play this game there. 

EDIT:  Don't get me wrong, I really do love the game. I absolutely wouldn't go through the effort of sorting this out instead of just quitting unless I really enjoyed your work here.