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A member registered Jan 14, 2022

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AI voiceovers sound like a cool feature. If it can be toggled then there's no harm, as long as it doesn't end up taking an insane amount of effort.

I don’t really pay attention to this aspect. More music would be fine, but I don’t mind this too much.

I was hoping for a bad end where she actually fucks you with that giant cock

I vote Ginny with live 2d

(1 edit)

This is a really cute game with a good story and excellent animation, but right off the bat I'm kind of thrown by the way it constantly switches between past and present verb tenses.
ie - she looked up at me -- past tense
she pauses and looks at me -- present tense.
It's pretty jarring.

This isn't a complaint, but rather a query: Did you ever end up making any more femdom content? I loved where the governess content was headed and would buy the next version if it had more.