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A member registered Apr 27, 2017

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Arrow keys or WASD to move, I for inventory, and spacebar to use items

Hahaha... just realized you can light the Korok Leaf on fire and use it as a fire rod for 7 seconds. I had so much fun with this that I accidentally killed myself... three times...

Its averaging around 52-ish

This game ROCKS! I just can't get over how fun and amazing it is. I really enjoyed how unforgiving it was, and how it made you really have to word hard to win. The only two things I can say need improving are:

1. More stuff, although you already have that covered in the new version

2. Link seems to be going really slow. I'm getting pretty good fps, but he just seems unnaturally sluggish... I guess that made the Sprinting Boots even more enjoyed though

Also, idk if this was a bug, but I got two bows, is there a point to that?