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A member registered Feb 14, 2021

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with the first 2 line you can kinda see how the translator got that but after that it has no connection to the original song at all

nah i think its only going to be the main one i forgot his name i think its sergeant john or whatever but whatever his name is i think it will only be him

do you know what upvotes do on itch? they dont seem to have a purpose

i was about to reply saying "no wth" but im glad it was a rick roll much better than having to see that torture


you are technically correct

we know about ugh already

i know but i mean the other 2 songss

ok yes you do mean what i think you mean

wait did you say that because of why i think you said it?

(1 edit)

ok so what do you guys think tankman's songs are gonna be?

*grabs a shield*

nO thAtS rITz frOm frIdaY nIgHt fuNkIn

skdee bop beep bo bop boop skdee skdoo bop boop beep bee bo

idk what upvotes do on itch but here have an upvote

ok well i was just trying to let you know ninja muffin is not good at programming so it will take longer than a professional programmer would take

its taking this long because ninja muffin is not good at programming which not being good at programming leads to lots of bugs and lots of bugs lead to more work trying to fix them so be patient

pico is out the cage lesssss goooooooo

no problem

if you download it its way quicker also ninja muffin will be improving the load times when week 7 comes out

i never said he was from fnf stop trying to correct people i said fnf made him popular outside of newgrounds

i wont be suprised considering because of fnf pico is now popular outside of newgrounds which you know whats happens after that at least i hope you do

idk something about a game made in 1999 by tom fulp called pico's school and people just make something themed after pico

also the song is just a cover of a song made  10 years ago

im pretty sure that is a joke because it has a different vibe than other lemon demon songs

is that true? how can they have a set release date because they release updates the same day its finished

yes it is ninja muffin played it on stream

another female antagonist maybe cassette girl because she was in the fnf trailer on the newgrounds youtube channel along with pico tankman and hank

ritz might be week 8 or 9 because ninja muffin confirmed he is planned for the future

people already know what it looks like because on a stream phantom arcade leaked concept art for the week

tip play with 2 hands left doing a and s then right doing up and right then tip go into freeplay mode for south because its easier on hard trust me i tried it and it works


how do i export it as an mp4? or is there no way to