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A member registered Apr 07, 2018

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This is fantastic! The gameplay rocks - two buttons is simple but extremely functional and the variety in "enemies" makes it easy to learn and figure out. All 5 songs on the soundtrack are fantastic too, and tap into feelings I wasn't quite sure I had!

I should say I had some problems getting the functionality of my DualSense to work with it - I'd been using DS4Windows, which is what allows for games to activate its rumbling/gyro/touchpad support, but in the case of this game running DS4Windows causes the controller to straight up stop working, whereas running the game without DS4Windows allows the controller to work but disables the rumble. Ideally I'd want both of those working, and I can only assume it has to do with a conflict between what the game recognizes and what inputs the DS config software is sending.

It's very minor in the grand scheme of things though, and I can't wait to see more out of this project.