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A member registered Feb 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you, glad you liked it x3

Great game! really enjoyed it \o/ great story too!

Great game! loved the dialogues and the lighting/feel, keep up the great work!

(8 edits)

hi everyone, hope you are all doing well I'm excited about the upcoming game jam and would like to join a team... I haven't been in a team really before so a bit nervous tbh but figured it would be fun to try it and see how it goes xx im a unity c# programmer, altho done bt of each role but prefer to stick to programming, not super new but still learning my timezone is GMT +2 also if it makes it easier xx 

Discord: Sinon#6431

Thank you! ^-^

Thanks! glad you liked it :D

Love all the Art/audio, great story writing too!

Added :)

Added you :)

(1 edit)

Hi, nice to meet you ^-^  your discord names missing the #tag after it :3 would like to add you, mines Divine Light#6431 if interested in Unity :D

You could try Unity collaborate too its great and built into unity!

Free version allows 4 people

(2 edits)

hi all o/ been using unity a bit now but never been in a team before so kinda nervous tbh.. but would like to give it a shot if anyones interested in teaming?  im a coder mostly but can also do some basic 3D modelling

idk if matters but my timezones GMT +2  (10am atm)

Discord: Divine Light#6431

Thank you :smile:

Hi all im mostly a new programmer, iv been working with C# in unity for a while now i even finished a game in feb :D havn't done much advanced stuff though, looking for a relaxed team to have fun with this jam :D