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A member registered May 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Interesting concept! I feel like the roll could be a bit more satisfying (there’s not much to look at so it doesn’t engage the player as much).

I like how I was already starting to calculate expected outcomes, after some rolls. Felt smart.

Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words! I am really happy that you found it interesting!

The UI is a problem I am aware of. I wanted to dedicate some time to fix it, but it would cost me time I didn’t have. I might keep working on it, after the voting week is done.

Again, thank you for your feedback! :)

Thank you! I wish I had more time to improve the experience (maybe some smooth lerping here or there). But I really only had saturday night and sunday :P

I found it really enjoyable to create a “circuit” of dice that I could click through, going from first to last and then first again to never stop. It kind of made the first buff/perk useless though.

Great idea!