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A member registered Aug 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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well done! not fan of these type of games but I liked sound design and concise execution to idea overall. congratulations to all of you!

when I stopped playing to write my previous comment, I figured out an interesting outcome by coincidence. if you start the game and give no input at all, a nice pattern emerges naturally, reminding me "game of life" of great mathematician john horton conway :)

from game design perspective, this led me to think impact (and maybe importance as well) of changing random state/seed to create more non-uniform gameplay especially in kind of procedural games like these.

P.S.: below is linked mode, in unlinked mode, pattern is emerging much slower than linked one because of slow-motion effect.

well done! not fan of these type of games but I liked sound design and concise execution to idea overall. it's just seems missing the option to return home screen to be able to change modes, but not that important. congratulations to all of you!

indeed :)

(1 edit)

thanks for playing the game. it's a jam game made in less than 24 hours and I couldn't made it fun as I think due to deadline, so I tagged as prototype. and also being a security guy is boring :)