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A member registered Dec 02, 2021

Recent community posts

Loved the update, wasn't expecting that song when it started playing. It was awesome, thanks Kael!

I enjoyed this update, but I admit that ending wasn't the direction I would have hoped for.  Narratively it made sense, Ranok's motives made sense, but it still hurt. I guess that's the point though, isn't it?

Great work with this one Kael. I've seen a lot of passionate comments about this chapter, both positive and negative. All I can say is a passionate response is a good response no matter the context. You've made people care about what happened, and after a chapter like this one no engagement from the fanbase would be the only bad response you could have gotten.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Sorry but you can't romance Vul if that's what you're asking. Are you sure the comment you saw wasn't talking about the stabbing scene?

What kind of a stupid question is that? If you have nothing better to do than troll, go outside and get some fresh air. Nobody likes an asshole.

I have no idea what's causing your issue, but here are some tips: Make sure you have enough space to complete the download and make sure your phone is set to allow apps from unknown sources to be installed. If it still doesn't work, try downloading it using a browser other than Chrome (I used Firefox, you can find it in the Play Store for free).

Make sure you click "Download Now" on this page, which will take you to the download section of the main page for this game. Then download version 4.8.1 for whatever platform you are trying to play on.

I immensely enjoyed this update, the spooky scenes with the "other mother" (thank you for referencing Coraline) was very well done.

Of course my favorite parts were the Ranok scenes. The stargazing part especially is always something I've wanted to do with a significant other, seeing it here gave me warm feels.

I just found this game and I'm blown away by how good the story and characters are. I've never been much of a furry and usually I don't play many furry VNs, but I'm so happy I took a chance on this one because it's easily become one of my favorite VNs of all time. Ranok is just too cute.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the progress of this game. Thanks so much for creating thing such an awesome VN!