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A member registered Apr 16, 2016

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Love the visual style of this one. Unfortunately the controllers weren't cooperating and were floating on opposite sides of the map. I couldn't get the game to start :(

I was able to get to 20 - neat gameplay, especially when you started to get to 2 beams. I only wished for sound! And maybe some effect of the beam hitting the bugs, wall, etc. Neat!

Super funny character. I put him into a single pose. Is there a way to save poses and then flip through them (like the gif you posted?). I was hoping at least for a camera flash to then get me going on another pose. This character! He really makes the whole thing work.

Vive version didn't seem to do much. The sky texture was missing (pink). How do you start dancing with the beast?

That was neat! Was able to run the game and make my way through the three levels. The last one I was very confused -- but it just ended when I gave up on the star control and walked forward. I never really used the squeeze control for rotating and stuck with the touch pad. Movement was slow which makes sense since you didn't want to cause sickness, but I still felt queasy. Doesn't help that the demo before this one also made me feel a bit off. Visuals were pretty great though, nice job

Really interesting concept. The training space in the beginning was perfect for getting situated - but once it started I was zipping around so fast that I couldn't control the carpet. Ended up stuck in some corner between the mountain and some architecture? Audio was very fitting

Looked neat! I got it playing - there was a strange object stuck to my head - possibly a graphic that was suppose to be on one of the controllers. Only one controller had a selfie cam. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to use the cam to align with the oncoming wall correctly. Maybe the level of error allowed was too tight?