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Atikah Rostam

A member registered Oct 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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love the concept of the game

nice pixel art!

this is so good!!

love this game! very entertaining and love the pixel art too! btw thanks for giving feedback on my game. 

great game design as always Jelle! cant wait to watch the making of video on youtube. and thank you so much for playing my game and providing feedback. :D

i really love the pixel art for the game.

love this haha so much fun!

terima kasih. will improve more :D

thank you for commenting and the awesome feedback! actually i do take inspiration from Mario Kart XD and yeah the camera movement is a bad haha I will improve more 

love the destroying part! hehe
btw hi dari Malaysia :D

and thank you for commenting on my game. i will improve more next time :))

nice review!

thank you for the feedback! much appreciated! will definitely fix the enemy stuck on the pipe.