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A member registered Sep 01, 2021

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I was able to find it with the screenshot, thank you so much for your help!

Thanks for getting back to me! I'm using a macbook. No recording software, and I switch back and forth between the two but I use the spacebar more. If I press the tab button it starts the skipping feature with the heart. I did have the clive scene earlier and it worked fine then.

It was after talking to Seamus for the first time. I can't recall if I clicked anything else, sorry!

Just tried the demo-I loved it! I did encounter one bug, when I entered the house there were squares of the previous scene in it. It worked out, but I wanted to let you know

I've been searching for shells on the beach for ten minutes and I can't find more than three. It just stays on the beach scene. Am I missing something or is it a glitch?

I liked this! The level of customization was great