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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Played this game ~2 year ago when I was in a really shitty state of mind which looking back I realise was not the greatest idea. I definately fucked myself up for a while as I used to spend hours playing through the different routes hoping there was a happy ending for the characters I'd grown attached to.

Eventually I spent a day systematically going through every choice in the game until I got all the dialogue just so I could squeeze as much content out of this game as possible. After that I just led in bed for a couple of hours even though it was the middle of the day because I didn't really see the point in doing anything because my fictional people were essentially gone which in hindsight is one of the lowest points in my life... 

So yeah before you play just really think about if you're doing good right now. I get that there's a good chance you'll think you can "deal with it" like I did but as you can tell by the sad state I was in it really isn't worth it. Now that I am in a better state of mind I'm gonna play it again and hopefully have a much better experience (I do hope the feels hit hard still tho).  Also props to the echo team for making a vn so emotional that it became my life for a while (but seriously if you're reading I actually love you guys so much for all the work you put into your vns).

The song in the tavern left me speechless it was so good!! I thought it was a generic (but enjoyable) medevial type song until I noticed all the references to in game places. ShadyVox did such a good job :)