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A member registered Dec 26, 2019

Recent community posts

No worries, I understand the context and I can't say I dislike this concept of main character.. I guess it just takes a while for certain people to get used to it - I did after playing until I hit the work in progress wall.

Anyways, great work! I'm looking forward to future updates.

Hey! Really enjoying the game..unique, to say the least. (very hard to come across a VN art style I love such as this one..another one I liked a lot was the one used in Knife Sisters)

Thing is, I've just played through the second date with Neus and, while the scene from under the table was very hot, the whole 'eww vegann' thing really turned me off as a vegan + all those choices like> pretend soy milk is ok or just say it's bad (I find soy milk at least 5x tastier than the cow milk), etc.. I get it it's not supposed to be such an immersive experience since it's a VN focused on the story and it just contains adult elements, but more options and maybe further expansion on this spectrum may just bring a more pleasant experience with some of us.

Kind regards,
