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Ally Soriano

A member registered Aug 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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Very cute and unexpected concept ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Adorable art and great game overall. Well done!

Was cute. Much disturb. Very good. (*゚ー゚)b

Unsettling but uh, cool, I guess? I like how things and the music got wonkier and out of key as time went on.

I sorely regret not playing this on desktop and getting the full experience. Good art, great atmosphere, and smooth animation. I've never read Mimi's Ghost Stories but the spooks were very good! Thanks for making this (●´∀`●)

(1 edit)

ahhhh the art. the dialogue. so glorious. so very very glorious. but really this was an extremely well made demo. the plot and story. not a cliche line in sight. or do i just have low standards (??) nah. heh. 2birds have done well. can't wait to see the finished game.