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A member registered Jun 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying it

thanks for checking it out I'll keep that in mind from now own I hope you enjoyed it.


thanks for the feedback I'll Keep that in next time glad you enjoyed it

Looks like colliders gave up st the end lol it needs better optimization

Thank you i am glad you like it

Well something has to be unique there's that thanks for playing it

yes could have i tried my best since everything was made in jam period in a week so it was really hard to finish at the end so had to rush in a little thanks for playing and opinion.

thank you

Not bad but double fire trucks and low gap between objects makes it s little frustrating or rather challenging combined with one sided controls but still keep it up its good

Thank you 

Please extend the time period for the jam if possible i am looking forward to part but it will be better if you could extend a little maybe till 31 because our last paper of boards is on 21 so if you can it'll really helpful to make more stable prototype

thanks for playing actually you weren't supposed to run at the moment it makes noise and at last it was the other monster in the room front of you which caught you but thanks for giving it a try again

will be fixed