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A member registered Jan 26, 2022

Recent community posts

Thank you for your work to Quest's community!
You are great and you should know it!

We can't wait to test v8.1.0 beta on our Quest 3!

Today profiles on my Quest 2 stopped working.
There are not visible anymore :(
What happened?


I know about this, but I like to use your app for my favorite list, to search and start games, so I would prefer to just turn off all preset with one click and continue to use the app :)

Could you add on/off switch?
When I'm playing with my girlfriend / friends, we are casting gameplay to the TV and some games with high resolution profiles start to lose performance.
I just want to turn off all profiles with one simple switch in the app, but still continue to use the app to start games.
Now if I want turn off all profiles I need to restart the device, use without it and when we stop casting to TV turn on ADB again.
On/Off switch will be very useful.

PS. Thanks for your hard work, new feature opening the app through the store is great.