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Wow, I wasn't expecting a new perspective switch - and I'm loving it!

Woes bullying Ashdown fills me with a great purpose sorta like Heck's absolutely-seriously-clownery fills my heart with laughter (and also forethought). Though I have great faith in the supposedly trivial, ahaha!..

And I was gonna make fun of (Inspector) Detective Ens, but... Her interview... : ( 
You do a really great job of communicating a lot with a little. I know I mentioned that before, but it bears repeating. Also, speaking of interviews... Tronnn's was...

Oh! And Detective's Jillian and Fox, huh? Heh. And here I was thinking the Sess (salad) was sesspicious... On that note, that menu, uuUUuuUUuuh -

Seconding Astral Autumn's opinion, this was a great set of chapters. Digging the new Extra menu, too, very clean. I figure you'll probably be playing around with it some, but I'm eager to see some of the familiar faces from the perpsective of the lower tier... It was already very interesting to see how they regarded (or rather, didn't regard) 'OG Whats-her-face'.

Finally - really glad your new rig is working well for you, pal. And hey, a manga rec from one of my favourite authors?! I'll have to give it a read, when I catch some more time.


Glad to hear it! It's always a risk when you switch out basically every character haha... but of course we haven't seen the last of the top tier detectives, at least for a while.