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Sand: A Superfluous Game

An open world, base-building, adventure survival game with quirky humor and Llamas!​ · By Voided Pixels Studio

BUGS Sticky

A topic by Voided Pixels Studio created Feb 19, 2018 Views: 13,626 Replies: 640
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chicken can walk thru stone gate and fence  


That is the new ghost chickens mod I installed.

Ha no, not really. I'll check into it.


Fixed. Will be in the next patch.

Hey there!

i just got the game and when i try to open it it will not go off of the "Voided Pixels" splash screen

I had gotten it earlier and deleted it to restart, but now this is happening?


Odd. Which version did you get? The Fast version or the Normal one?

The normal one


This might be a silly question. did you click?


That worked, thanks a lot!

I did not have to do it before though

Or maybe I have and I did not remember as it has been a long time.

Thanks again!


lol thats ok :) I suppose the splash screen should time out after awhile (I'll work on that) :) We've all been there before. I am just glad it wasn't a real bug lol



I got this error on 0.3.6 experimental while trying to enter my base in the car twice:

action number 1
of Destroy Event
for object obj_car:

audio_stop_sound argument 1 incorrect type (unknown) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
called from - gml_Object_obj_car_Destroy_0 (line 5)
called from - gml_Object_obj_player_Alarm_2 (line 49)

Love your game btw :)


ok fixed it. Should be in the next patch (coming today)


llamas face tries to merge to a wall or in more technical terms llamas face Z fight the wall "who is going to win?"


LOL yeah the llamas are a little wonky. I'll see if I can tweak them some.

(4 edits) (+1)

Trying to deconstruct an egg will crash the game.

action number 1
of Mouse Event for Glob Right Released
for object obj_build_tool:

trying to index a variable which is not an array
at gml_Script_refund_resources
stack frame is
gml_Script_refund_resources (line -1)


Odd. I thought I fixed this. I'll put it on my list.


Okay the fix is in. It will be in the next patch later today. Thanks!

(1 edit)


Everytime I try to build a wood floor the game crashes(latest version)

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_construction_object:

Variable obj_wood_floor.z(100386, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_construction_object_Draw_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_construction_object_Draw_0 (line -1)


Fixed and uploaded


1 st problem is in the picture second is that when I quit the game at the moment when I am dieing all of my things are gone 


Roger. I'll fix it ASAP.


Fixed and uploaded

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_player:

Trying to draw non-existing sprite.
at gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_0 (line -1)


whem did this appear? Is it reproducable?


I have no clue but you need to fix thing where if you leave a game when your dying it resets ur base like removes ur progress


Gotcha. I'll look into it.  By exit you mean just force close the game? or exiting through the ESC end game menu?



I'm guessing the downloads released two days ago aren't supposed to be running super fast? The 'normal' download is playing just as accelerated as the 'faster' download for me. I triple checked that I downloaded the proper version but, no, super speedy every time. Not sure if it matters but I only just discovered your game so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or...?


What do u mean super speedy? Like the FPS is really high or everything is moving fast? Do u have high speed monitor?


OK I pushed out a possible fix for this. Try downloading the new NONFAST version and let me know if this fixed the issue.

By super speedy I meant the game was happening faster. The time was ticking faster (and all things time related), the character was moving so fast I had trouble controlling it. Things like that. I'm not even sure now if that was what the 'FASTER' download was supposed to do, let alone the normal download like I'm talking about. It's interesting too because I watched a friend download the same version and theirs played at the proper pace so I'm really not certain what the problem was. Anyway, I redownloaded it after seeing you responded to check if you somehow fixed whatever the problem was and it seems like you did! So thank you for the quick fix!


The issue had to do with your monitor having a higher Hz monitor (96 Hz or 144 Hz) then the standard 60 Hz most people have. For some reason the settings I had to control frame rate didn't account correctly for the refresh rate of higher monitors. The only why I could test it was to actually lower the refresh rate of my monitor to 40 Hz. I noticed it was slower then normal game play. I switched some sync settings in Game Maker and found one that didn't slow the game down. Glad this worked!

The FASTER download is suppose to run faster if you are noticing some slow game play (only useful for older computers). The reason it isn't the standard game play is because it is more buggy and takes much longer to compile.

That's interesting.  I only have two 60 Hz monitors though?


humm.... maybe that wasn't the issue, but it fixed it. LOL :) Got to love programming!


If you exit a map while reloading a shotgun, you get endless reloading noises on a loop until you restart the game.
(I also had an issue with powered gates at the "gym" not working, but resetting the mission map took care of that.)


Thanks! I'll fix the sound issue and look into the gates at the gym.


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shd_gaussian_horizontal

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_clear_missions_menu_Draw_64
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_clear_missions_menu_Draw_64 (line -1)


FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: sh_outline

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Script_outline_start
stack frame is
gml_Script_outline_start (line -1)


Please try this fix:

(1 edit) (+1)

Latest version as shown (0.3.8) often (usually) has the mission tracking shown as bugged upon game load ("Mission 1 of 0") preventing completion of acquired missions. Resetting/deleting may help temporarily but the bug returns upon next save/load and forces one to redo all the prior missions.

Also, slightly less important, there seems to be no way to clean up the corpse of the person by the E.D.I.E beside waiting till they disappear on their own. Maybe being able to search them like corpses of enemy dead sentients could be provided?

Developer (1 edit)

Odd I've never seen that before... Can you send me your missions.ini file located in %localappdata%/Sand_Alpha. Or just post all the text you find here. Maybe the bug is in there. Did you complete all the missions?


And I think the body disappears when you leave the game and open it again. I like the idea of looting it. Maybe it should give the players some initial scrap.

Developer (1 edit)

FOUND THE PROBLEM. My goodness thank you for finding that bug. I can't believe I didn't see this one. I guess I've been focused on art and level building and not playing the game. Extra credit for you! :) Patch later today with a dev log explaining the issue. I think your mission data is safe though so that is good.


Thank you kindly for your swift response. I just checked the page again ready to look for the ini file but if it's already not needed, all the more thanks to you.


Patch out!

(1 edit)

I'm also having a problem with the 1 out of 0 missions.


Try downloading the newest version. I fixed it in a patch I released yesterday.


The issue had to do with the switch reading your bases power not the levels. So if you don't have power in your base yet it wont work.



Patch out!


Awesome! That's super cool of you to mention me in the update. :)

(11 edits) (+1)

Some more things I found in recent playthrough:

  • When closing door/gate character is going through, the character is pushed out of the way. That's good. What is an issue is that sometimes the character is pushed into a wall/fence, being stuck. It's not a big deal if it's in one's own village (though deconstructing and reconstructing a wall to get out is a bit of a pain), but if it happens in location where player cannot deconstruct the tile, one ha to restart the game.
  • Related to that - the game doesn't check the surrounding when spawning a character. It's possible to spawn in the middle of a group of hostiles or in a wall of some ruined building upon entering exploration map.
  • Enemies possess sixth sense in determining character location. Approaching "Do not eat the chickens" hut may make the person inside attempt to shoot through walls if the have a bow (and often it leads to them murdering their own chickens in the line of fire).
  • Probably just a matter of AI still needing some improvement rather than actual bug, but just in case: hostile characters trying to track the player are unable to open doors/gates of their own places (but will use those opened by the player). Doors being unopenable by enemies makes sense in case of one's own houses/enemy bases (in which case it's the player who shouldn't be able to easily get everywhere without using force) but they should be able to handle their own stuff.
  • Hitboxes are kinda wonky. I noticed that when an enemy approaches one from the left or right of the screen, a pistol armed character has to target their legs - bullets pass through upper parts of the heads without causing injuries.


  • Animals can wander off the map (walk on the area that moves the player to the overworld screen if their character touches it). Especially annoyed with llamas which wander around when not mounted by a raider.
  • Bone Smashing mission (repeatable from the farm) keeps reactivating itself when I finish it, get the reward, come back home, quite the game and then reload
  • Randomly, reloading my gun leads to the 'loose' ammo decreasing without the gun itself being reloaded back to 10 rounds.
  • Connecting a wire from a relay with no power to the relay with power often makes the first relay still not receive any power (at least the animation of light traveling through the wire isn't shown and the blinking icon of no power is displayed on nearby devices). If one makes connection from the relay that is receiving power, it's being relayed properly.
  • If one makes a swing with a spear and then switches to some other tool mid-animation (a gun, for example):

    ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_player: Trying to draw non-existing sprite. at gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_0 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_player_Draw_0 (line -1)
  • Oil barrels provide double resources when struck with a pickaxe
  • Similar to the shotgun sound bug mentioned above, sounds played upon leaving a map may carry on and be repeated on the next map (ie when leaving settlement, my automatic water pump chugging followed me to the wasteland exploration map).


  • Anchor Rage mason quest mentions providing metal for a pickaxe. May mislead into thinking pickaxe is a reward. Also, IIRC the mason doesn't mention pickaxe himself, he required metal for a chisel (must be huge chisel, what's with it being 50 metal - maybe whole set of tools would be better?).
  • There's farmland patches on the desert. Dunno if it's intentional but they're magical. Seed planted there and watered creates crops at any stage of growth, including, rarely, at the final one (already ready to be harvested).
  • Cars seem to knock out but deal hardly any damage to enemies.
  • No indicator of health/damage for car/player when inside said car.
  • Car, when in motion seems to have desert 'background' under its sprite no matter actual surface on which it travels. It causes flickering, for example, when driving on the remnants of asphalt road in Anchor Rage.
(1 edit) (+1)

I'm having an unwanted decorative living fossil in my house. What should I do now?

Beds allow infinite cloning when used before nighttime.


LOL Find him his mommy! I need to rework the character spawning :) Nice to see your guys are sleeping!


humm I'll have to look at the 'cloning'

Developer (1 edit)

found and fixed


** Some bugs related to animals: **

- Llamas can completely prevent you from building when ridden on.

- Their incredibly thin body and high speed makes them extremely good at playing hide and seek.

- Woolies are obsessed with livestock guards sometimes.

- Also, I think that signs should appear in front of walls


haha I'll look it to those bugs. The llamas hit box should probably be increased. I noticed the wooly's weird behavior already. and the signs I can fix easy. Thanks!

(12 edits) (+1)

Some time passed since my last bug report so I think it's good to put it in the new post (I do hope though that the previous one was checked since I added to it before through edits and I worry slightly whatever was added then may have passed under the radar).

I notice the assets are a lot bigger - the dev mentioned that themselves - making the game bigger. However, for some reasons it's also very noticeably slower for me, as if the game would keep processing bigger assets all the time instead of any preloading. Upon entering map I have over 100 FPS according to the counter, but soon it all goes down to circa 30-15, with the only exception being the home town for some reason, where the FPS is relatively consistent or at least decent enough to not notice strong slowdowns. The general increased game slowness also led to exploration map taking a time to drop loading screen for the first time and that in turn led to this issue:

Happened upon loading random exploration map. The loading was left there and wasn't disappearing at all, the items carried were not shown either. Even leaving the map left it on the screen (while increasing its size) till another loading screen was triggered by entering elsewhere. Edit: Seems it's always happening at 94.34%

Other bugs:

  • The workstations, no matter the chosen orientation through R key, face always the same direction.
  • Building stone wall takes 4 stone, dismantling one drops two drops 4 stones each. Infinite stone exploit, yay. Similar happens with many other constructions, not only stone ones.
  • Beds have the same boundary no matter the direction they face so when the headrest is on the left, the bed can be close to the wall but if turned so the headrest is on the right, one has to leave some space between the bed and the wall right of it. Possibly other furniture items have the same issue.
  • E.D.I.E still requests weapon cabinet to be built per its questline/tutorial, despite that furniture not equipping defenders with their weapons anymore.
  • 'Build a baby cow! Harvest for water and meat.' - cows give meat and leather, not water.
  • Paying 500 scrap at the farm is more bothersome than acquiring the scrap. I know that joke about it is even included in the 4th wall breaking dialogue, but adding 'hold key to keep adding', with increasing speed of depositing like how it is with trading depots would make it much more manageable (maybe even the code itself can be repurposed).
  • Street lamps seem to have no building cost (at least none is shown).

You are using the normal version yes?

Yup, normal version is used now as it was earlier. Also, I notice that the wind/sandstorm effect contributes severely to the FPS drop.


uploading FPS fix now.


OK found the duplicating bug... fixing that now too :)


E.D.I.E mission will be changed at some time later. I've made a note about that. It will be replaced with building an item I haven't made yet.

Alright. By the way, do tell if you'd rather have me edit the posts or report each found bug in new one. I don't want to bother you to check whether my last post got a new edit but I also want to avoid spamming the thread with every single glitch I found, especially when my latest post is fresh.


I am also looking at your edited list of issues.


'Build a baby cow! Harvest for water and meat.' - cows give meat and leather, not water.

milk gives you 1 meat and 1 water


I must have a crudy build. I'll rebuild it to address the FPS now.


Paying 500 scrap at the farm is more bothersome than acquiring the scrap. I know that joke about it is even included in the 4th wall breaking dialogue, but adding 'hold key to keep adding', with increasing speed of depositing like how it is with trading depots would make it much more manageable (maybe even the code itself can be repurposed).

It is a joke and probably won't be change. If you press shift though it deposts 10 at a time (just like a trade output). Don't tell anyone :)

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