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Someone else mentioned it below that it seemed like some assets weren't loaded and it seems so for me too. I couldn't see any ground and ended up falling and then I didn't know what was going on and then I gave up after a few tries. I tried my best though. I like this mechanic of space shoots and jumps at the same time, maybe it could be improved by the jump shooting only one bullet so that each jump is a little more tactical / meaningful rather than just holding down spacebar for maximum destruction. Other than that, I really dig the shitty sound affects, the shitty art and the shitty story. But my favourite thing about this game is the shitty colour selection panel :D. Haha but seriously, nice work putting this together in such a short time, I wish the assets loaded properly so I could progress because it looks really cool in the screenshots.

(1 edit) (+1)

We are really sorry about the assets not showing on the screen :( 

But we are still very happy that you enjoyed the game :D

Oh and can you also tell us on which part of the map did the assets not show up?

Sure, right from the start there was stuff missing. Here's a couple of screenshots.

That's pretty weird... That has never happend to me. I just tested it out