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This is a really good game, obviously has it's bugs but it is to be expected for a game jam project. 

If you work on this a little more, maybe add more levels and perhaps a narrative I think it could do quite well. 

I will say though that it took many many many many attempts to get past the last four guys but worth it to finally get past them. 

"The dark souls of GMTK 2019" - Late Panda



I am amazed that you managed to past those four last guys! I think I needed to use more time balancing the difficulty...

Thank you for playing and commenting!


The difficulty was fine once you get the hang of the enemies and where everyone is. 

The last four certainly were a challenge but most of the trouble I had was getting back to them after I died having to replay the entire level again and dying whenever I would break my pattern. 

Still was a great game and worth taking further if you choose to. 

Indeed a checkpoint system would be welcome!

Thanks for the feedback!