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(1 edit) (+1)

Very interesting game. Made it to Gould Betls, but my fingers are now dead. Typing this with my nose :D 

5 stars for Weirdness/Charm. Fun Factor and Balance was not really present. Maybe the missing auto-clicker part would have made that better. But, I really enjoyed the sprites rotating around. Especially the K and G belts :D

I'm also not a real fan of auto-clickers, but that was one of the achievements and you went down that road. I normally like to play an auto-clicker one time, but after resurrection/incarnation/whatever, the game is not really interesting anymore, because it's the same over and over again :D

thanks for playing, honestly I'm most proud of the cell. I know the idle part would've made it much better but I ran out of time, maybe later.