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If you have the PC version you can simply merge the www folder of the posted zip file into the www folder of your game to update. Please keep in mind that skipping updates using these files means you'll be missing files. If you don't have the previous version then please download the full game again.

The new version is scheduled to be uploaded today or tomorrow, so if you want to download the full game again you might want to wait until version 19.07.12 is online. :)

I have a video about using update files here:

you sir are a God lmao. I'm gonna wait till the full release so how would I keep my saves when I install the  new one?

After downloading the full game again you can move the saves from the www/save folder of the old version to the same folder of the new version. Make sure you copy everything as the global file is needed to show the saves in the loading screen.
It's also explained in the video at around 1:26 btw. :D