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Two in one update!


7/9/2019: Wrote two additional pages of content. Largely did a second draft with assistance from most wonderful team member Heyo. 

Overall gaining more confidence in developing the three main characters: aspiring singer Sanga Thamwimon, robotics engineer Albert "Berry" Fox, and rockabilly enthusiast Angelo Lombardo.  (I didn't even wanna namedrop them earlier in the thread, because I was nervous about it for some reason).

7/10/2019:  Did some concept art for the player avatar.

They're kinda creepy all together like this, aren't they....? Children of the pink corn........................

You should only see them as buttons when doing very early character selection/customization though (and there won't be that many options). I never fancied the ren'py trend of having player character avatar haunt the lower left side of the screen.

Considering re-titling the game to "Pinkmatch," which is the name of the in-universe dating service.

And a reminder to self, I have 3 days to fulfill my personal goal of making a mini demo for my team members.