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Funny story, I happened to go to a game making panel at a comics festival last year, I was interested in it and I took a bunch of notes about all the beginner's tools they mentioned. I promptly lost the sketchbook with all my notes (and lots of treasured memories ;__; ) and got busy with other stuff, but this game jam's been the perfect opportunity to dive right in! There's a time limit, but it's long enough for beginners (like me lol) to get their bearings and the restriction makes me want to work harder at finishing on time.

I agree with everything said above. Just getting started seems to be the hard part for a lot of things, IMO (looks at all the unfinished comic ideas gathering dust in my head haaaah), but I love reading through the devlogs here and I'm super excited to see all the finished games!

Hugs and smooches all around, we're gonna do great u3u