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1.  Inherited attributes include: race, grade, surname, basic bodypart shapes and colors, beauty, traits.  The impregnation function in handles the inherited values.  Everything else is randomized in the newslave and get_caste functions of scripts/character/

2.  Magic is already dreadfully overpowered in this game, but feel free to change it to your liking.  Max stats for new player characters are limited by statup and statdown functions in scripts/  For more details on Person objects, check scripts/person/

Yeah I found this area and made this change but it's not making any difference in maximum stats during character generation.  

if playerBonusStatPoints >= 1 && player.stats[name] < 18: #Check bonus points available and stat below maximum limit

player.stats[name] += 1
playerBonusStatPoints -= 1

So far nothing has worked.

You may have a different problem, cause with just that change I could make a character with 12 max Strength(rest of stats were 2 max). Verify that you are modifying the files in the correct directory and saving changes before starting the program.