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(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, I love how the radio's job is difficult and forces them to get really 'out there', but they also have no control over whether they have to perform and whether it influences the poet. I see a link between this game and a theme of the jam, being the poet and tuning in to the static of the outside, being a kind of signal repeater for a message you don't entirely understand, or being the radio, being strange and vulnerable, potentially unintelligible to the people you're sharing with, they could ignore you, maybe even not turn you on. 

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it! I've really appreciated your enthusiastic comments on all these games and your willingness to engage all the content on its own terms. That's harder to do than people give credit for.

Edit: Also worth noting that this game will go over 10 rounds on average. I didn't know what to do with the boxer at first, but that observation is giving me some really interesting feelings about that role!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks! I'm glad the game successfully speaks to something in the jam prompt. It's definitely been the only thing in my mind since the jam started (haha) so I'm not surprised it showed up here. 

And thanks for your kind words about the comments! I know how vulnerable and weird this kind of thing can be, so it's really important to me that everyone feels seen and appreciated. I'm just trying to do my part, I guess, in the best way I know how. It helps that the designers and their games have been so honest and charitable to themselves and to the prompt and to one another. I'm in awe of everyone here!

Edit w/r/t Your Edit: I didn't do that math, but I'm not upset it would typically go for that long. It feels fully in line with my reading of the game for that to be the case. This is not a pleasant game, to my mind, and I think your connecting that to the boxer is on point. :)