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Didn't post yesterday, but I assure you, I worked on this! :D I spent just about two hours yesterday, but I got the inventory to work with accepting and using items. Also worked with setting combat up. 

Today I was able to spend a more substantial amount of time working on the game, my efforts today produced some more results with combat while also working out some issues with other code. Everything seems to be working well for the most part, there's still a minor hiccup or two I need to work out. Other than that, my next step is to resolve combat by applying damage to the enemy and/or player. Currently I get a print to screen when a attack, skill or tech is done. Same with Defending or Running, although Running additionally takes you to the previous area outside combat. I'm happy to say that my shell is looking good. Now it just needs some paint, which is coming!

Here are some screenshots of what the barebones system looks like! Remember it, because next time you see some screenshots, it's gonna look ALOT prettier! <3

Area 1

An Item, Text, and Room Transport clickable

Text Box

Text Box

UI Menu

UI Menu



OverWorld & Combat Start

Overworld & Combat Start


Combat - First Menu

Combat - Second Menu

Combat - Second Menu