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(1 edit) (+1)

I was laughing so hard playing this game!! I loved it and I'm glad he didn't do anything really mean! I can't wait for the extended Demo/Full Release!!🥰

EDIT: I forgot to say this but I wanted to suggest you make his voice a little louder in some areas. It gets wholly drowned with the music sometimes,  so maybe make it so his voice is always louder than the music. But idk maybe that's just how my computer took the sound.🤷‍♀️

Thank you!! Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

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Hello! Thank you so much for playing my game, your playthrough was a lot of fun! 🥰

Oh, for sure, Crowe's voice was really low in the first demo but it'll be much louder in the extended demo that's coming out soon.

Thank you! 💕❤️


That good!! Good luck with the full release of your game!!😁