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English User Here. 

this is actually Quite good. 

I Honestly would like to see more of it.

the only real issues I see are a few spelling errors.

and I would like to see more variations.

positions, implements, characters if possible, and maybe even attire options. 

 I honestly was quite impressed.

I am looking forward to seeing what you will come up with next.

I'm glad you like it.

Yeah, more positions, implement and other scneriaos are planned in the future.

Please send me a message or something for the text errors you find if you are convenient since my English skill is not so good...


honestly, it is not a big concern, but I just wanted to share it with you.  

personally, I still think you did an excellent job, the animations were good the sounds weren't too repetitive, and all in all, it was a very good start, I didn't even see any real errors during my playthrough. a good job is all I can say and I definitely look forward to your next update.