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(1 edit) (+1)

is hu xian supposed to be a romanceable/attainable route too ? :oo was very shocked when i was trying out what other option combos i haven't tried yet and he showed up !! he's very cute !!!! also very great game i love it a lot !! good ends and bad combined its a great mixture of cute romance and fucked up yandere love <3

edit: i hv finally continued my last playthrough and it turns out its not yet complete hehe but I'm looking forward to it a lot regardless !! thank you very much i enjoyed this game a lot <3

hey can u pls tell me hus routes option combos?? he's the character ive been looking forward to the most for months and Ive trying to get his route for quite some time but failing everytime :((

(2 edits) (+1)

hey hello !! just a heads up his route isn't completely released yet so its only a short preview ><

but the choices to pick are:
- release your anger
- hurry back to your apartment

after these two you should be on hu's route !! there are a few choices you can choose between and some interactions you can have with him before the demo of his route ends !