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Bugs in the latest PC Build 0.4.3

  • The inventory doesn't always remove objects from completed quests
  • Page 2 inventory items register the same names as the order of the page 1 inventory, making them unusable.  Specifically, in my case, I still have the towel from an earlier quest in slot 1 on page 1.  However, I have the gem for the secret potion quest in slot 1 on page 2.  When I hover over the gem, it pops-up the help text for the towel and does not allow me to use the gem.
  • I got access to the librarian on the ladder image, but it was never displayed in the game itself.  I never SAW that image as part of the game, it just showed up in my unlocked scenes.

I am using a save game from version 3.0, but I can't see that making a difference.