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This game is gorgeous. One of the best looking jam games I've ever seen.

As for the gameplay, I think it lacks some kind of escalation in difficulty. As it is, the only thing limiting a player's score is their patience. It could also use some i-frames: what eventually killed me was getting sandwiched between two Japanese goblins, which made a "brrrr" sound and instantly drained all of my remaining health.

Thank you for recognizing the visuals! I love making art so it means a lot to me.

Regarding the dynamic difficulty, I completely forgot about that area, and it seems that long sessions of gameplay does not reward the player (even enough). As for the i-frames, I'm not really familiar with it so I'll search it for a while; I'll do something about the pesky Japanese goblins' knockbacks to Yuuka.

Generally, thanks for the feedback!