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The gaslighting and uncanny in this story are really well done, they gave me the chills 😱 I really liked how they were shown not only through the dialogue but also through the creepy music and the unease mechanic. Like something is not quite right, like something seems off. And, boy, it was off indeed 😱

I liked that, while this game is a horror one, it nonetheless lets you know that, inside the core of it all, there's a sad story. I hope Ayumu can get his happy ending! The way the true ending finished the case was a nice touch!

Very cool game! 

Thank you very much! Nagi is true gaslight gatekeep girlboss, we could all use somebody like her in our lives (um, maybe... Hahaha.......)

As much as I like writing depressing stories, I tend to feel bad for my characters if I subject them to too much misery, so I'm going to hope for the best for Ayumu too! He deserves it!