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Simple idea that somehow works out pretty well.

The levels are too big in my opinion. Takes a little long to clear them at the moment.

Also it might be interesting to see some more interaction between game objects. What if monsters are slowed down by dirt? So the more dirt you eat, the harder the level gets. This could also help to make it a bit more climactic and raise the tension at the end of a level.

Moving diagonally gives you quite a speed boost at the moment, so it's clearly the best strategy. Maybe you can find a way to fix that.

In general I'd say you can be pretty happy with your result. Hope you had fun and thanks for participating. :)

Thanks for the responses.  Yeah, I could remove the speed boost for diagonal but it was a nice thing for players to find out.  The dirt slowing the enemies might be cool, that is a suggestion that was not suggested before.  I was happy with the game and enjoyed how difficult the last level was, included a screenshot of the final screen, indicating I have defeated the level.  TigerJ also beat the level on his stream.  Thanks for hosting the jam.