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For a first game jam game definitely very well executed. The colors a gorgeous! Looks very nice. Also I like the score screen at the end (and the UI in general).

The player controls feel a little weird (not very smooth) and the player character should definitely be on the left side of the screen, so you can see more on the right! The amount of speed you get from a speed booster is a little insane. :D

Well done. Good result for 3 days.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing my game Jonas. I'm really glad you liked the colors. I followed your advice on picking a color scheme to mesh everything together. 

Thanks for your feedback! After getting feedback, I have made some changes to the game. The post-jam game will have the player on the left, slightly smoother controls,  moving objects that interact with each other, and multiple levels. I'm working on it right now.

Also thanks for hosting this game jam. I wanted to try a game jam, but didn't think I could do it. You made me believe I could do it, and I'm glad I did. I never expected to make a great game, I just wanted to finish a  game. So I completed my goal, and learned a lot along the way.  Again thanks.