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Reflection enable = false yet when character reaches the edge of the map reflection can be clearly seen.
By the way when can we expect an update, I really need those animated layers. Or is it okay if I modify your plugin on my own to add animated layers?


Strange as setting reflections enabled to false should remove the reflections.

This plugin hasn't been updated with the latest version of MZ yet, so its possible a lot of bugs exist that I'm not aware of. This plugin was tested and made for the original version so if the developers changed anything I've yet adapted the plugin.

If you want to modify the plugin feel free to! I have finished animated layers (as well as other features like infinite reflection layers) but I just never got around to finishing some of the features and was never sure if I should just incrementally update the plugin with smaller stuff or do everything in one larger patch.  

I also don't work with rpgmaker anymore so jumping back into its code can often be a huge undertaking. 

I do really want to update it, just finding the time is the difficult part. 


I feel like incremental updates would also make debugging with the help of users easier since there will be less things that can break at the same time and there is a lower possibility of something happening that would require rewrite of some of your older code.


Then I'll make sure to post an update this week! It'll be small... likely only animated parallaxes. I hope that's okay. 

(1 edit)

No worries I've already added animated layers myself, albeit ina a bit crude way since I didn't want to spend too much time reading through the code.