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Manage all 3 puzzle of Geedevia puzzles but the bottom right (last statue center puzzle with hippo, rhino and elephant) can't seem to figure out. But aside that can't wait for release date :D

(2 edits) (+1)

Ok, so for bottom right you do the statue facing right to be the hippo, the facing left to be the rhino, but the into position, the make lim-lim the snake and put him behind the x. Also please tell me how to do top right?

Weasel above bones next the bones lim-lim on fire and them right facing elephant next to bush and the finally left facing girafe on top of it (next to the blue cube

I was confused, because you got the directions mixed up, but I got it.

for top right its one facing left fire  right facing lion and lim lim giraffe

I know that

what’s button left

easy, serpente face left, elephant with water and lim lim on the top of the elephant. One space for the water