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Hi there!

First, make sure you have the note tag on the map and also have set the colors that will generate the Tile Minimap:

Note tag:

Plugin Parameters > Common Settings > Tileset Colors

Then you should be able to see your minimap on the Map Scene. If it will be inside a window or not, you need to set the proper plugin parameter to what you want(Plugin Parameter > Minimap > Window > Enable):

The plugin command will only work if you are on a map that does have the minimap.

And check if you have both plugins up to date:

  • EliMZ_Book = 5.3.0
  • Minimap = 6.0.3

If you did everything above and it still not showing/working, upload a sample project somewhere,  replicate the error, and send the link to me on Discord:

Hakuen Studio#5661