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This was an incredible game! One of the most clever and terrifying horror games I have played. Beautifully set up atmosphere, subtle clues, and intriguing storyline. Was very enjoyable (and very scary!) I'd really enjoy to see more, and honestly, I'd enjoy to learn a little bit about your creative process!

(P.S. I don't have too much extra money to spend, but I appreciate the work that's been put into this, and I've been working on making music for video games and such. If you'd like to cooperate on a project or two, feel free to let me know!)

Wow thank you so much! It means alot, i'm curious to the music you have made so if you want to you could add me on discord ( Roommate#5364 ) and I could hear some of your work! 

Sounds good, I will make sure to do that right away!