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double check the Additional Classes pdf. Looked fine to me but the brain edits text in strange ways

(8 edits)

You know, it’s the darnedest thing. The Additional Classes (RELIC_v3_Characters.pdf) looks correct, there’s a hyphen after “lights.”


But when I highlight and copy the URL in Adobe Reader, to paste to my browser address bar, it pastes without the hyphen, like so:

Incredible disappearing hyphen!

My guess is, maybe Adobe Reader thinks that URL is a hyphenated word, and it’s “reassembling” the word when I copy and paste, not knowing the hyphen is part of a URL.

Edit: Yes, it looks like this is actually a thing reported to Adobe Forums already! Just a weird little quirk of PDFs, I suppose.

Thank you for looking into this, sorry for any wasted time. Keep up the good work!


That is SO weird