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Dear gamedev, I would like make a police report of a case of missing time.. all I remembered was clicking onto your page, and suddenly lost a lot of time! :P This is my favourite game in the jam so far! Slick and smooth gameplay, relaxing music, yet superbly exciting and tense at the same time! Never know when those chain reaction explosion are going to happen pushing dice off the table... and yet I still try to make them happen... accumulating all the dice up in the corner, and ricocheting one lucky die from behind in there! The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward! Muahahaha! I'm also impressed at the physics, they felt natural, and I haven't encountered any stuck die situation! The icing on the cake were the satisfying sounds of dice rolling on the table, hitting each other, and exploding.. pretty awesome that you recorded those yourself! Very well done, for a fantastic game! :D